Digital Marketing Summit

The theme of this summit is “NATIONAL BRAND, SET SAIL”, and the keywords are “SHARE, EXPLORE, GROW UP”.

Digital Marketing Summit
Digital Marketing Summit

From supply chain integration, company building to independent station online marketing, all-round and multi-angle marketing thinking is displayed, providing you with foreign trade strategies to capture overseas’ market and achieve curve transcendence.

The summit invites three excellent people who are specialized in the exporting business, digital marketing, website operation to give ideas to domestic entrepreneurs to build brand overseas. Elevan shares his experience of cross-border e-commerce brands going overseas, analyzing from the three dimensions of company planning, marketing layout, and efficient team. Tom presents content marketing strategy based on specific cases.

Kristine tells us how to optimize independent stations, from the three perspectives of how small and medium-sized enterprises avoid internal scrolling, correctly understand independent stations, and maximize the effects of independent stations.

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